Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New York, ville moderne...

Alors apparement ce matin, entre 6h et 8h, il a plu... Perso je dormais, j'ai rien vu, et c'est tout joyeux que j'arrive a la station express de la 96eme rue. Pas de metro. Nul part. C'est ca New York, une ville a la pointe de la technologie, qui n'a plus de metro des qu'il pleut :-)

Bon faut avouer, c'etait pas juste une rosee matinale
Apparement on a meme eu droit a une tornade a Brooklyn!

Et puis, juste pour le fun, quelques commentaires glannes sur differents sites web:

"It was crazy here in Canarsie/East New York. The rain was pretty bad but I think the worst part of it all had to be the lightning. I’m talking about lightning strikes every 10-20 seconds. Somewhere around 6:00 I saw a big flash of lightning, and then poof the power went out. I have to say it was kind of scary but yet impressive. Did anybody hear the 5 big cracks of thunder back-to-back? It was wicked man!!!!!"

“New York, New York. It’s a wonderful town! Wish I could be there in all the madness. Bored in Texas!”

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